Learn the traditional folk art of basket making with local creative, Nettle! Nettle will discuss her foraging process and will provide hands-on guidance as you learn to make your very own basket!
Get to know the Artist, Nettle Black Thumb:
I am a mixed media artist and basket maker living in Hampshire County WV, a forager, and DIY educator for Fawn's Head Grove. I am exploring art making as spirit work, and art as sustenance. Let us not outsource the stuff of our lives but hand-make creations pulsing with their own power and dignity. To let our pores open to the beautiful possibilities of hand-hewn life, the birthright of all life forms to create with self and community. Baskets made of bark, vines, and whips of locally abundant plants are the main focus of my practice with fibers of Dogbane, Nettle, and dog fur an exciting new (and ancient) area of inquiry. Foraging and working with local plants and animals for nourishment of body/spirit is my biggest love and inspiration. No machine can build a basket, only we can!
15 spots available
Tickets $30 per person
Get to know the Artist Zo Bieckert:
I am a mixed media artist and basket maker living in Hampshire County WV, a forager, and DIY educator for Fawn's Head Grove. I am exploring art making as spirit work, and art as sustenance. Let us not outsource the stuff of our lives but hand-make creations pulsing with their own power and dignity. To let our pores open to the beautiful possibilities of hand-hewn life, the birthright of all life forms to create with self and community. Baskets made of bark, vines, and whips of locally abundant plants are the main focus of my practice with fibers of Dogbane, Nettle, and dog fur an exciting new (and ancient) area of inquiry. Foraging and working with local plants and animals for nourishment of body/spirit is my biggest love and inspiration. No machine can build a basket, only we can!