Neil and Jan Gillies performing at an Open Mic on the hammer dulcimer and guitar.
Low Water Bridge Band performs on the outdoor stage at Riverfest 2024.

Share Your Music

We are a small non-profit venue with a capacity of 50 indoors and a larger outdoor stage directly in front of the scenic river. If you are interested in performing at The River House please email the following information to

Let us know a place we can hear you performing, a youtube link or website with audio works - or send us a CD if that is easier.

  1. Let us know your financial requirements to perform, we are a small non-profit venue and our budget is limited.

  2. Provide us with a small bio that would provide an audience with an idea of who you are and what they should expect to hear.

  3. Provide an image that you would like us to use for promotion if you perform here.

We look forward to hearing more from you and hopefully having you perform here at The River House!

Share Your Art

We are a small non-profit community arts venue with a rotating art gallery. If you are interested in sharing your art at The River House please email the following information to

Let us know a place we can see your art, a youtube link or website or send pictures or a sample if that is easier.

We look forward to hearing more from you and hopefully having you display your art here at The River House!