Like to write? Join our Writer's Club!
We have expanded the vision for the Poetry in the Afternoon club to encompass all types of writing. Our mission is to create a space for budding and established writers to gather together to share their experiences. In addition, we will be featuring guest speakers and book signing events. Everyone is invited to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
Writer’s Club will be held on the 3rd Sunday of every month.
Guest Speaker:
Eva Silverfine
From living above her parents' hardware store in Brooklyn to living a mile down a gravel road in semi-rural Texas with her husband, two sons, and the local wildlife, Eva Silverfine has explored a variety of urban to rural landscapes. On that journey, she earned two degrees in the environmental sciences, worked in a research lab, and eventually retooled as a copy editor. She freelances for several academic presses and writes personal narrative and fiction in the in-between spaces. Her short fiction has appeared in a variety of online journals; she has published a collection of essays, Elastic Walls; and her novels, How to Bury Your Dog and Ephemeral Wings, have been published by Black Rose Writing. Find links to her short stories and more at